WONTED EL FINITO was born in the very early 90′s.He grew up on the Ghetto streets
of orile/ajegunle.He graduated from Gracewell Academy in coker,aguda and began his
music career professionally in the year 2009.He started up a s a singer in the local church
choir before going into rap music and ever since then it has been a joutney full of ups and
downs.He has worn a whole lotta freestyle battles in lagos and some other states and so
should be one to watch out for.He alongside some group of friends(lond paul,kenny cee,jesse rease,capitar jay and miles maddix) make up the DOPE FELLAS GANG.
“LA ADVERTENCIA” is a spanish word meaning “d warning’,produced by
Olumba(@OLUMBA) and it is his first single of his debut upcoming mixtape titled R.I.P
RAP(rest is peace to rhythm and poetry) which is to be realesed under d DOPE
FELLAZ GANG(@TEAMDOPEFELLAS).The release date of the full mixtape is not yet known but just bump this joint for now.brand.For more updates and info follow him on twitter @ELFINITO_DOPE and WONTED EL FINITO on facebook…
(d warning)